This is a short guide in getting a DNS server up and running on a HP-UX system. The obvious choice for DNS server software is BIND as pre-compiled bundles are provided by HPE.
Copy the download depot files to /var/opt/depots (or to appropriate network location)
Install software
Configure BIND
Create named directories:
Create a param file for hosts_to_named. The hosts_to_named utility is a powerful tool for building DNS database.
Create the DNS data and boot files with hosts_to_named. The hosts_to_named utility automatically creates all the DNS data files needed to resolve host names and IP addresses in your domain using your /etc/hosts file, and the options defined in your param file.
Check the data directory:
Add/delete records for the corresponding domain, e.g.
Check the named configuration file:
Enable the DNS service at boot time:
Start BIND service
Start the named daemon. A reboot is not required.
Configure DNS clients
Add the DNS nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf on all client hosts.
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The move is a logical consequence of the ev...
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