1. Check the current boot state:
VIOS:> lssyscfg -r lpar -F name,lpar_id,state -m Server-8499-99Y-SN123456
lpar01,2,Not Activated
lpar02,3,Not Activated
lpar03,4,Not Activated

VIOS:> lssyscfg -r prof -m Server-8499-99Y-SN123456

in this example it is boot_mode=norm for the lpar03 LPAR (id=4)

  1. To change the boot mode we need to update the profile:
VIOS:> chsyscfg -r prof -m Server-8499-99Y-SN123456 -i "boot_mode=ds,lpar_name=lpar03"

This will set the boot mode to stored list. Other options are:

Logical partition power on mode. Valid values are:

norm - normal
dd - diagnostic with default boot list
ds - diagnostic with stored boot list
of - Open Firmware OK prompt
sms - System Management Services
  1. Boot the LPAR:
# chsysstate -m Server-8499-99Y-SN123456 -r lpar -o on --id 4

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